Looking for a top-quality puppy, bred and raised with knowledge and passion? Looking for a breeder who will treat you fairly and respectfully? Whether you need a supremely healthy, happy, beautiful pet to share your life with or an excellent quality show dog, you are about to knock on the right door.
We offer elite imported genetics, comprehensive health and DNA testing, and holistic maintenance with no expense spared to ensure World Class Miniature Dachshunds. We have traveled across the world to hand-pick the best representatives of the breed for our breeding program. We respect the work that the generations of breeders before us have put into this wonderful breed and intend to do our best to preserve it and pass it on to the next generation.
We specialize in smooth coats in the following beautiful colors:
*Black and tan;
*Chocolate and tan;
*Black and tan dapple;
*Chocolate and tan dapple.
Our top priorities in breeding include correct size (no oversized dogs here!) and breed type, stable temperament, as well a robust immune system. We pay close attention to the absence of allergies, digestive and autoimmune problems in our breeding dogs, aiming for an essentially
Send us a message to initiate a conversation about your new top-quality Dachshund. We will be happy to answer all of your questions. Be prepared to tell us more about yourself, as we are selective about future homes for our puppies.

At Jones Dachshund Home, we work very hard to raise, what we feel are healthy dogs. Healthy puppies simply cannot come from unhealthy parents. In a nutshell, we feed only high-quality kibble and follow Dr. Core Vaccine Protocol, minimal pesticides, and breed for ourselves. Breed for ourselves? What does that mean? Read on.
Our Dogs:
We try to obtain what we feel are the best bloodlines in temperament, type, and health. Temperament has become a huge focus for us. Any dog we bring into our family and/or incorporate into our breeding program will get nothing less than the love he/she deserves as a family companion, raised properly, and mentally conditioned for the breed.
Our Puppies:
If you’ve ever wondered about our puppies, this is a good place to be.
Since we take such diligent care of our dogs, our puppies from the time of conception have the best possible chance at a healthy life, we feel. Not always will you be able to come to us for the same old protocol of raising a puppy. The reason for this? We continually strive for better education and EXPERIENCE when it comes to health and well-being. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a solid breeding program. We never claim to have all the answers. However, when we do have answers that have been proven to us through experience, you better believe we are willing to share our information with anyone we can to better educate others, as so many have been willing to educate us.
Breeding Practices:
We don’t follow any one way of how is the best way to do a breeding. Many breed on phenotype or genotype, and many on a combination. It all has its ups and downs. Again, we will stress that if you don’t have a healthy and sound dog, you don’t have anything.
Sometimes I feel, like after all the preaching we do to families coming to us for their new companion and best friend, I don’t think it sets in just how important Socialization is, what it means, and how to do it. Socialization starts with the breeder, but this is not the Socialization I am talking about. Most puppies leave us at 10-16 weeks of age. Socialization needs to come from YOU, the new caretaker/slave/owner/best friend. Socialization means taking your puppy OUTSIDE of the home, to as many new places, and experiences, around strangers, children, other dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, you name it! Socialization does NOT mean inviting your neighbor over to the house for social hour, does not mean your child’s friends coming over for a play date, or the neighbor’s dog that slips under the fence and rears his head to come play with your dog. I see way too many people keeping their puppy in a bubble for fear of contracting parvo as the main reason, lack of time and commitment, and a variety of other reasons. I can’t stress enough how important Socialization is, and getting your puppy out and about to different areas. 3 new senses each day during his/her fragile developing mind. Don’t want or have time to socialize? Know what the consequences are? A dog that barks and growls at nearly every passing dog while on your leisurely walk around the block. A dog that you have to put in another room because he lunges or jumps on people every time someone comes inside your home. A dog that runs and hides. A dog that pees on himself. Have you ever seen people who show up at places, open their dog to their vehicle without a leash, and their dog jumps out wagging his tail, and listens to every little thing their owner says? This came from an owner who Socialized their dog, and also Training.
Many times I am asked when to start training, and many times I direct this info to people, and yet I am approached with the same questions of when I should train my dog, and how come my dog doesn’t listen to me. Training starts from the day you bring your puppy home. Training needs leadership, and leadership comes from good and effective training. Training needs to start immediately. It’s so easy to spend 5-minute sessions with your new puppy at any age, and have that little one slamming his butt on the ground for his treat or reward. Why wait until the puppy is 4 months to a year to begin? If you waited this long to start training your dog, you probably also failed in the Socialization part. Because basic training is just like basic manners and leadership. More advanced training can be sought out as your puppy develops, but instilling some basic principles into the young pup is going to make your job as the pack leader, so much easier as that puppy matures, and approaches sexual maturity..
Pack Leadership:
Pack leadership is separate from training, although goes hand in hand. The first step and suggestion is to make sure you are acquiring a puppy or dog that has the temperament, drive, and activity level that you desire. If you are a submissive and quiet person, the last thing you will want is an alpha-type dog. Starting with the right dog, in any breed, is going to increase your bond over the years, and make your friendship that much more enjoyable. So, start with the right puppy, and establish pack leadership the moment that puppy/dog walks in the door. What may seem like basic manners to some, is pack leadership. Examples: You eat first, dog eats last. You walk through the door first, and the dog follows. If you need more information on Pack Leadership and/or Training, Contact Me.
Let me make an introduction briefly here. Dogs are my life. I have a breeding program, not only for pet dogs. My goal is to make my dogs healthier, and my job is to make your dog’s life healthier. If I put in all the hard work, why would someone want to ruin all that hard work by not following a way of raising dogs, that has proved time and time again to be the best method of short-term and long-term health. I don’t have dogs as a hobby. I have them as a passion. I eat, sleep, and breathe dogs. I live with them 24 hours a day and spend Thousands upon Thousands on their upbringing.
We follow a very minimal vaccine protocol using “core” vaccines. For more info regarding vaccines, our protocol, and vaccinosis, please contact us for more details
The development of a puppy is at different rates for each breed, but here I will give info on Dachshund Puppies.
Strenuous exercise before the age of at least 18 months of age, is going to take a toll on your dogs’ joints later in life, if not increase injury early on. The recommended amount of exercise for a puppy is enough exercise to mentally and physically tire the puppy, without stress. Young puppies can benefit from lots of different training exercises to tire the brain, and enough physical exercise to tire the body, but not to exhaustion. Grass or soft surfaces are preferred, over long walks on pavement. Using a Dachshund Puppy as a running partner should be advised after the dog has reached at least 18 months and has his/her hips and elbows x-rayed. Anything sooner for those types of activities is going to weigh heavily on his/her joints, and seeing those later in age.
This is an X-ray of a puppy at 2 weeks old – just look to see how far the bones have to grow to just become proper bony joints, let alone become strong articulating joints that have correct feedback into the brain… this is why it is imperative that we don’t over-exercise our puppies, and certainly not jump them or train them too hard before they are fully developed. This is different age categories for different breeds, and if the dog has had any specific problems during its puppyhood. Please be careful at this stage so the dog’s joints will last well as they age! Longevity is key!
Think about this. Spay/Neutering. Those “in” horses, might have a better understanding of this when the saying of gelding that colt now, and he will grow. Ever notice gelding a young colt, and all of a sudden he shoots up in height?
As always, I encourage anyone with any questions about any of these topics to contact us. If you try us by phone without a response, try our email. Likewise, if you email without a response, try phoning us. At different times of the year, we are easier to reach one of these methods. Between the daily time it takes to spend with each dog and the normal routines of a family, some ways of contact can be better than others. We do respond to all emails, phone calls, and questionnaires generally within 24 hours, sometimes in 1 week. If you are truly interested in speaking with us, you will get in touch.